• Kalendář


Introduction to Evidence-Based Teaching: What Does the Evidence Say about How We Should Teach?

We usually teach according to a combination of our experience and our intuition. However, learning demonstrably improves when teaching is informed by evidence on the most effective practices. The body of evidence about the most effective practices in university science education has become both large and compelling. I will summarize the evidence and discuss both the barriers and the pathways to making changes in our teaching.

Speaker: Sarah M. Leupen, Ph.D.

Začátek akce 1. března 2017 v 16:00
Konec akce 1. března 2017 v 18:00
Organizátor Centrum CŽV
Email na organizátora kristyna.bilakova@ruk.cuni.cz
Místo konání akce Modrá posluchárna 2. patro, č. dv. 140, Celetná 20, Praha 1
Rezervace http://ipc1.cuni.cz/reg/index.php?event=458
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Mgr. Nicola Tyrpáková

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 3–5

Praha 1, 116 36

Česká republika

tel. 224 491 713

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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