• Kalendář



In March 2017 the ERC will celebrate its 10th anniversary. In 10 years only it has become a brand

of scientific excellence and a recognised success story for the European Union: thousands of

research leaders and teams supported, almost 100 000 articles featuring ERC projects in

international scientific journals, hundreds of breakthroughs and discoveries that are opening new

horizons to tackle medical, industrial and societal challenges, 6 Nobel prizes, that went to

recipients of European Research Council grants.

On this occasion a conference and networking event entitled “10 years of excellent ideas” is

organized by the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences on 15 March in Prague.

The event is hosted by the Charles University.

Začátek akce 15. března 2017 v 09:30
Konec akce 15. března 2017 v 17:00
Podtitul European Research Council (ERC) and its impact in Europe and the Czech Republic
Druh akce Konference
Organizátor Adéla Jiroudková
Email na organizátora adela.jiroudkova@ruk.cuni.cz
Telefon na organizátora 224491731
Místo konání akce Vlastenecký sál
Cílová skupina Akademická obec i veřejnost
Rezervace registrace na http://geform.tc.cz/10yearsofERC
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Váš názor

Mgr. Nicola Tyrpáková

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 3–5

Praha 1, 116 36

Česká republika

tel. 224 491 713

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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